A Hobby Preservation Breeder Titling Dogs in the Ring, Field, and the Home.
The Loffredo Mission
Upholding the integrity of the breed is of the utmost importance to us. The Spinone Italiano remains to be a purpose-bred dog, with good health and a temperament that is unmatched. With breeding comes a huge responsibility, to uphold the quality of this magnificent breed as the many dedicated breeders before me, and to add to the success of the breeders that will come after.
I believe in good sportsmanship, lifting each other up and lending a helping hand to those peers in need. Our breed is only as strong as the relationships of those involved.
This is a versatile breed - in the working sense as a dog that tracks, points and retrieves on land and water, but also in the larger sense. A dog that is as exceptional in your home as they are working in nature. I hope that each and every puppy I produce grounds their owner in their connection to nature, and in a beautiful partnership with mans best friend. If I can find a good hunting home, show home, or a raw-fed home all the better. However my priority will always be to place puppies in homes that are worthy of providing for a dog as wonderful as the Spinone.
“There is only one reason to breed a litter and that is to improve upon your breeding stock - not to sell puppies, not for show-and-tell, not to set records, and not to present a world full of unwanted dogs with more of the same.”
— Betsy A. Leedy, Miniature Poodle breeder and judge, as quoted in Pat Trotter’s Born to Win
Whether you purchase a Loffredo puppy or any puppy, I ask that you keep this top of mind while selecting a breeder.
Health Screenings
The health of our dogs and puppies is our top priority. Our Loffredo program goes above and beyond, performing all Health Screens as recommended by our parent club, the Spinone Club of America - and then some. Screenings for the breed consist of Cerebellar Ataxia, Hips and Elbows, Eyes, Heart, Thyroid and von Willebrands. Performing these tests help us make informed breeding decisions.
A gentle disposition is absolutely paramount to the Spinone breed. The American standard describes them as sociable, docile and patient. When selecting dogs for our breeding program, any aggression or hyperaction is not to be tolerated. Our Spinone is determined in the field, and relaxed in the home. We encourage Canine Good Citizen testing and therapy dog activities.
While Health and Temperament are first and foremost, what makes a Spinone a Spinone is also important. A soft, gentle expression, large bone, harsh coat and a robust body built for endurance are just a few hallmarks. We show our dogs in the ring to prove their conformation, and seek out feedback from mentors in the US and Italy alike. This is a historic, and distinctly beautiful breed - their preservation is our responsibility.
Natural Health
Through a lifetime of raising dogs, I have found a natural approach has wielded the healthiest results. Our dogs are BARF (biologically appropriate raw fed), as guided by myself through my CNC (canine nutrition certification). While I work with open-minded conventional veterinarians for routine diagnostics, I maintain a strong relationship with our holistic veterinarian and their counterparts. This includes minimal vaccines, annual titers, herbal solutions and avoidance of toxic preventatives.
The Spinone is a hunting dog, first and foremost. While they also make wonderful family pets, we encourage you to foster their natural abilities in the field. As members of our local MN NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association) Chapter, we pride ourselves on testing our dogs in Natural Ability and above, as well as AKC hunt tests. Our dogs are in the field during hunting season, where they are truly at their happiest.
Puppy Raising
The first weeks of a puppies life are crucial to their long-term development. We are students and followers of Puppy Culture, practicing these methods at each stage of development. From neonatal ENS (early neurological stimulation) to housebreaking and crate training.
Clubs and Associations
Dogs and litters are registered through the AKC, titling and performance events are conducted through the AKC.
Digital Assets Committee
2024 Volunteer of the Year
Breeder Listing -
Spinone Midwest
Dogs and litters are registered with NAVHDA, dogs go through hunt testing and training.
Local Chapter -
Puppy Culture
Puppy raising protocols and courses.